Monday, September 24, 2007

Questions and Answers

I have been wondering about this question since the day I started my very own first creation which is the blog. Well the question which has been stucked inside my brain made me thinking most of the times when I'm in the toilet doing my business.
Ok since i cant solve the mistery here and I'm planning to trouble you guys who have blogs out there...hehe. The question of the day is "What is a blog ? What's the function ? What should be written ?"
I'm sure with the first look at the question, you guys will straight having some ideas but WAIT....slow down, thinking it carefully again about my question. It is something that you write about your life ? But that will be your diary right. Then is the purpose of having a blog then ? Is it a term of diary for the internet geeks to use ? well you guys go think of it then tell me.

Well, when you started off with a question sure there will generate another question, this time its "is my blog for people to write or is it a personal site for me to talk about my stuffs in it ? and do I have the absolute rights to not allow people from reading it ?"
Yea, this is the second question which just generated from my brain while I was typing the first question. Yea "most" (alot la...especially girls..hoh lcl) blogger they like to state a statement in their blog "if you dont like it you can dont read it" or ACCORDING to lcl (2007) " if you dun like it, you can go click on the top right corner of the window with the 'X' mark".
Yea, what is the purpose of creating a blog if you allow people to read it ? by this I dont mean you are totally not allowing people just that you are INDIRECTLY telling those losers to keep away from your blog. So guys, what is a blog for ? for self achivement ? self entertainment ? or self praise ? and only allowing positive comments lurking in your blog.

Well this are the questions of the day. Go think about in your toilet and NOT other time cause humans only think while they are in the toilet.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very thoughtfull post on personal achivement. It should be very much helpfull

Karim - Creating Power