Sunday, May 18, 2008

Days in Perth

Everything seem like going fast and not mention about it, its now May and nearing to final exam~!

How fast it is....and after this exam I will start to planning my life either work ? travel ? o Master ?

So far I'm planning to go travel first to look for my "close friends" which is only in Melbourne and I don't think I will be bother to go other place as it doesn't interest me much...

Oh please don't be offend guys, I doesn't mean to be rude here just that I'm not interested in anything but Melbourne. And Un you can continue your boring working life in Perth while I'm having my time in Melbourne hahaha and during that period you wont get any KFC hahaha...yeah I know you are sick of the KFC can use it to cook lemon chicken ya..

ok 1 last part and this part is to make those who are having exam til late june, I'm only having 2 papers in this sem and it start on 10 of June ending in 11 of June hahahaha....

cheers mate~~~!

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